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SMT Line - Proto Development

Pick and Place Machine
- PCB size up to 300 mm x 300 mm
- 4000 components per hour
- Chip (starts from 0402 size), IC (up to 35mm side) etc.
- Handles MELF, MINI-MELF, SOT Diodes & Transistors, Trimmer, Inductor & Electrolytic Capacitors etc.)

Re-flow Oven
- Re-flow Conveyor Speed 75 to 500

Wave Soldering (PCBA)
- PCB Size 300 mm (wide) with dual wave operation
Store Area

Electronic Assembly Area

Mechanical Assembly Area

RF Cable Test Lab

Environmental & ESS Test Lab

Thermal Shock Chamber
- Temperature Range -40°C to +150°C
- Temperature Control Accuracy ± 1°C

Dust Chamber
- Test on Ambient temperature to 40°C

Rain Chamber
- Temp Range only ambient Temp – 35°C
- Pressure available – 20PSI

Environmental Chamber
- Temperature Range -40°C to +120°C
- Humidity Range: 20%RH to 97% RH
- Temperature Control Accuracy ± 1°C
- Ramp Rate 1°C per min.

Altitude Chamber
- Temperature Range -40°C to +150°C
- Temperature Control Accuracy ± 1°C
- Ramp Rate 1°C per min
- Altitude Range 66000 Feet i.e. 1.60 in Hg

Vibration Machine
- Force rating – 600 kgf – sine peak
- – 524 kgf – Random
- Freq. range – 5 Hz to 5000Hz
- Max. Load capacity – 80kgs with ILS
- Vibration axis- X, Y, Z
- g’ – 9.80665m/sec2

Hot & Cold Chamber
- Temperature Range -40°C to +110°C
- Temperature Control Accuracy ± 5°C
- Ramp Rate-10°C to -40°C (5°C/Min)
- Ramp Rate-Ambient to -10°C (10°C/Min)

Bump Machine
- Peak Acceleration = 25 G
- Pulse Duration (D) = 6 m Sec
- Numbers of BUMPS =4000±10

Salt Spray Chamber
- 7 Salt combination test on Ambient temp
Pre-Compliance EMI-EMC Lab

Maintenance & Repair Lab

Covered Area: 1000 sq. feet including store of ESD