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Declaration of Result of Postal Ballot
Pursuant to section 192A of the Companies Act 1956 read with the Companies (passing of the resolution by postal ballot) Rules, 2001 approval of the Members of the company was sought by means of Postal Ballot vide Notice dated 21st July, 2010 for the following matter
- Special Resolution under Section 17, 18 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act,
- 1956 for the consent of shareholders to amend the Memorandum of Association of the Company by
- adding new clauses in the main object clause of the Company.
Based on the Scrutinizer’s Report dated 19th January, 2013, the Chairman has declared the results of Postal Ballot as under:
Total Votes Cast
Votes in favour of Resolution
Percentage of Votes in favour of the Resolution
Votes against the Resolution
Percentage of Votes against the Resolution
Accordingly, the Chairman declared the passing of the Ordinary Resolution by the shareholders with a majority as set out in the notice dated 15th December 2012.
By Order of the Board
Ashok K Kanodia
Managing Director
Note: Corrigendum in Notice of 33rd Annual General Meeting: The following correction be noted in printed Annual Report 2011-12 on page number 4 for AGM-Notes No. (4): “10th September 2012 to 15th September 2012 should be read as 17th September 2012 to 25th September 2012.”
Declaration of Result of Postal Ballot
Pursuant to section 192A of the Companies Act 1956 read with the Companies (passing of the resolution by postal ballot) Rules, 2001 approval of the Members of the company was sought by means of Postal Ballot vide Notice dated 21st July, 2010 for following matter.
- Special Resolution under Section 17, 18 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act,
- 1956 for the consent of shareholders to amend the Memorandum of Association of the Company by
- adding new clauses in the main object clauses of the Company.
Based on the Scrutinizer’s Report dated 30th September, 2010 the Chairman has declared the results of Postal Ballot as under:
Total Holdings
Total Votes Cast
Votes in favour of Resolution
Percentage of Votes in favour of the Resolution
Votes against the Resolution
Percentage of Votes against the Resolution
Accordingly, the Chairman declared the passing of the special resolution by the shareholders with an overwhelming majority as set out in the notice dated 21st July 2010.
By Order of the Board
Neha Malik
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer